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Seasons and Wildlife at LifeQuest

June 10th, 2014

By Kathy Barker, Facilities Director

There are many good things about LifeQuest besides being a great place to live.  Season’s with beautiful landscapes is one of them.  From any area in the facility, nature can be observed at its best.  There is a variety of different wildlife that is seen on any given day.  Wild turkeys, deer, fawns as well as adult deer, butterflies, and a great variety of birds, can all be seen.

Residents and short-term rehabilitative services have access to a deck and patio that allow comfortable seating outside or in winter, observation areas are located within the facility.  Life at LifeQuest offers many opportunities to experience nature.

Enjoy the view!

Seasons and Wildlife at LifeQuest blog2

May Special Events

May 6th, 2014

May Special Events By Rick Vitti, ADC Activities Director  

May is National Nursing Home Week and we have many fun activities planned throughout the month.

On Friday, May 9th at 2:30pm we will hold a Mother’s Day Social. Invitations have been sent to our residents’ families.

Sterling Lamm will be presenting his Accordion Music on Monday, May 12th at 2:30pm. The residents enjoy Sterling’s sense of humor almost as much as his music.

On Tuesday, May 13th there will be a Root Beer Float Social for residents and staff at 2:30pm. Michael Evans will be entertaining with his Keyboards and Vocals at this program.

At 7:00pm on Wednesday LifeQuest will hold its Spring Fashion Soiree. Students from local middle and high schools will model their formal and Hawaiian wear for our residents.

On Thursday, May15th at 11:30 it is Take a Resident to Lunch. Staff will be having lunch with residents and enjoying a pasta bar that will be presented by Culinary Service Group.

At 10:30 on Friday, May 16th residents will get to cheer on LifeQuest staff at the Wii Bowling Contest.

The May Birthday Party will be held on Tuesday, May 20th with Entertainment by Kris Phipany.

The Family & Friends Ice Cream Sundae Social will be held on Wednesday May 21st at 6:30pm. We are looking forward to many family and friends sharing delicious ice cream sundaes with their loved ones.

The children from LifeSpan Day Care will show their talent at the Annual Sidewalk Chalk Art program on Thursday, May 22nd at 10:30am. They will then join the residents for lunch in the main dining room.

Everyone is looking forward to these special May events.

LifeQuest Nursing Center Receives Award

March 27th, 2014

LifeQuest Nursing Center Receives National Embracing Quality Award for Achievement in SURVEY PERFORMANCE

Diane Orzechowski, Administrator

LifeQuest Nursing Center was recently awarded the Providigm Embracing Quality Award for 2013 for exceptional achievement in Survey Performance. With only 295 facilities receiving awards in 2013, this puts LifeQuest in an elite group of skilled nursing facilities.

“The Providigm Embracing Quality Award program recognizes the highest performers in three categories,” states Barbara Baylis, Accreditation Program Director at Providigm. “Skilled nursing facilities are recognized for outstanding survey performance, preventing readmissions to hospitals, and for superior levels of customer satisfaction. The 2013 Providigm Embracing Quality Award winners are truly the cream of the crop nursing centers.”

Skilled nursing facilities were only eligible to win a 2013 Embracing Quality Award if they achieved standards for Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement (QAPI) as required by Providigm’s National Accreditation for QAPI. These standards ensure that facilities are assessing quality against the full federal regulation at an ongoing rate, encompassing a substantial proportion of their residents, and correcting identified issues.

“It is an honor to win the Embracing Quality Award for Survey Performance,” said Rebecca Burak, Director of Nursing. “This prestigious recognition is a tribute to the hard work of our employees and their dedication to providing excellent care to our residents.”

If you have any questions regarding this award or our Quality Assurance Program, please contact me directly at (267) 371-1601 or via email at [email protected].

About Providigm, LLC
Providigm creates quality improvement solutions for health care. Through Providigm’s web-based systems and comprehensive training, providers are able to improve the quality of care and life of their residents. Providigm’s patented abaqis® Quality Management System is the nation’s leading assessment and reporting system based on CMS’s Quality Indicator Survey. With its recent expansion in QAPI, Hospital Readmissions and Customer Satisfaction, abaqis goes far beyond survey readiness. Providigm’s accomplished Research Group provides the scientific foundation and cutting-edge methodology behind its quality systems. For more information, visit

Partner with Your Physician to Manage Your Medications

February 4th, 2014

Should seniors that are taking multiple medications actively manage those medications or depend on their health care provider(s) to keep track of the medications and possible interactions when adding new ones? A reader recently asked Dr. K. on that question and we’ve included the full post for your reference below.

Dear Doctor K: I’m in my 70s. Like many women my age, I’m on several medications. Should I be actively managing them? Or can I leave that to my doctor?

Dear Reader:
Many older adults are on a number of medications, prescribed to treat different health conditions. Yet each medication you take has the potential to interact — sometimes dangerously — with another. And if you see specialists for various health conditions, your medications may be prescribed by several different doctors.

If that’s the case, work with your primary care physician (PCP) to manage your medications. That means reviewing all of them with your PCP at every visit. Make sure to tell him or her about pills prescribed by specialists as well as over-the-counter drugs and supplements. Your doctor can make sure each drug is appropriate for you, and check that your medications don’t interact with one another.

At any medical visit, your doctor may suggest starting a new medication or changing the dose of one you already take. But time constraints may prevent your doctor from providing a detailed explanation of why, and what to expect. So you need to take the initiative.

My colleague Dr. Anne Fabiny is chief of geriatrics at Harvard-affiliated Cambridge Health Alliance and editor in chief of Harvard Women’s Health Watch. She recommends asking lots of questions.

First, make sure you understand why the doctor is suggesting the medication, and what it is going to do. Ask what adverse effects the drug might have, and which ones warrant a call to your doctor. Find out how long you’ll be on the medicine. And check back in with your doctor after a few weeks to let him or her know how you’re doing.

Here is a list of 10 questions to ask your doctor every time you get a new prescription:

  • Why are you prescribing this drug?
  • How is it supposed to treat my condition?
  • Has it been tested and found to be safe and effective for people my age?
  • What side effects might it have, and what should I do if I have any of them?
  • At what dose are you starting me, and why?
  • Will you eventually increase or lower the dose?
  • Is there a lower-cost generic alternative to this drug available?
  • Can you put me on a drug regimen that will be easier for me to take (for example, once a day instead of several times a day)?
  • For how long do you want me to take this medicine?
  • What should I do when the medicine runs out? Will I need to refill the prescription, and if so, how can I get the new prescription from you?

If you’re thinking of stopping one of your medications, perhaps because of unpleasant side effects, let your doctor know first. You and your doctor can explore other options, such as lowering the dose or switching to a different drug.

When I was early in my training in internal medicine, I got my first lesson in how difficult it could be to make sure a patient was taking the right medicines. A patient of mine was getting medicines prescribed by several specialists — thirteen medications in all. At every visit I went over what I thought was the total list of her medicines, and she said I had it exactly right.

She was crippled by arthritis, so one day I made a home visit. She offered me some tea, and as we sat down at the dining room table I noticed a beautiful glass vase — full of pills. Her daughter told me that each morning she put her hand in the vase, grabbed a bunch of pills and swallowed them. She knew that she should take each pill as it was prescribed, but she felt “it would all work out OK in the end” the way she was doing it.

After she had gone into heart failure three times in three months, I (and her daughter) finally convinced her to take the medicines as prescribed. Her health improved.

Dr. Komaroff is a physician and professor at Harvard Medical School.

Music Can Promote Healing and Ease Stress

February 1st, 2014

Not only can music be entertaining, but it can also promote healing and ease stress for people of all ages. A recent post (January 18, 2014) on, shows just how music can affect our health. Here’s what Dr. K. had to say about the benefits…

Dear Doctor K: I believe music helped my mother recover after her stroke. Is there a connection between music and health?

Dear Reader:
The ancient Greeks certainly thought so: They put one god, Apollo, in charge of both healing and music. Recent medical studies seem to confirm what the Greeks thought. Music seems to slow heart rate, lower blood pressure and reduce levels of stress hormones. It can also provide some relief to heart attack and stroke victims and patients undergoing surgery.

How does music exert these benefits? Some research suggests that music may promote the brain’s ability to make new connections between nerve cells.

Another idea is that it works its magic through its rhythms. Humans are rhythmic beings: Our heartbeat, breathing and brain waves are all rhythmic. The human brain and nervous system are hard-wired to distinguish music from noise and to respond to rhythm and repetition, tones and tunes.

Not long ago I had a vivid example of that. I was late to attend a concert because of a noisy traffic jam with lots of honking. I parked the car and entered the theater. The concert had already started, and the music was louder by far than the sound of the traffic I had just left behind. But despite its volume, the sound of the music made me feel instantly at peace. I had left a world of disordered noise, and entered a world of ordered sound.

As you suspect may be true of your mother, there is some evidence that music can help with stroke recovery. One study enrolled 60 patients hospitalized for major strokes. All received standard stroke care. In addition, one-third of the patients listened to recorded music for at least one hour a day, another third listened to audiobooks, and the final group did not receive auditory stimulation.

After three months, verbal memory improved 60 percent in the music listeners, compared with 20-30 percent in the audiobook group and to the patients who did not receive auditory stimulation. In addition, the music listeners’ ability to perform and control certain mental operations improved by 17 percent. The patients in the other two groups did not improve at all.

Music therapy also is used to help patients with balance and coordination. A program designed to train older adults to walk and perform various movements in time to music helped improve their gait and balance when compared to their peers.

I introduced a friend with severe Parkinson’s disease to a friend who was a singing teacher. I thought singing might help him cope with his disease. When my friend with Parkinson’s disease would find himself “locked” and unable to walk or use his arms much, he would burst out singing a few notes of an aria — which unlocked his legs.

Finally, music can relieve stress. It can improve mood, even in people with depression. And it can lower heart rates, breathing rates and oxygen demands in patients who have recently suffered a heart attack.

Music not only “has charms to soothe the savage breast.” It also helps us to heal.

Dr. Komaroff is a physician and professor at Harvard Medical School.

What is a Living Will?

January 25th, 2014

A living will is a declaration of your preferences regarding end-of-life decisions should you be involved in a serious accident or illness. The living will tells your loved one(s) how you would like them to pursue medical treatment should you not be able to make those decisions on your own.

The medical terminology can be confusing, which was addressed in a post dated December 14, 2013, on Here’s the full text of that post for your reference.

Dear Dr. K.: I’m drawing up a living will, but I don’t understand many of the medical terms I’m encountering. Can you help?

Dear Reader:
Many people, certainly including me, have asked themselves how they would want to be cared for if they became very sick and unable to speak for themselves. The two most common ways of doing that are to designate one trusted person, such as your spouse, who knows your wishes to make decisions for you — a health care proxy. Another is for you to write a living will.

In a living will, you specify how you want to be cared for. Living wills can be the sole way you make your wishes clear to the doctors who someday may be in charge of your care. It also can be a guideline for someone who is your health care proxy.

A living will is used to determine how aggressive you would like your medical treatments to be as the end of life nears. I’ll explain several terms that you probably are seeing in a draft living will. As you read, think about whether you would, or would not, want certain procedures or care.

  • Artificial nutrition. When you are unable to swallow anything by mouth, nutrients and fluids can be supplied through a tube inserted through your nose into your stomach. Such a tube can’t be left in long-term (beyond a few weeks). For longer-term use, a tube can be inserted directly into your stomach. That requires a minor surgical procedure. Also for longer-term use, a tube called a catheter can be placed into one of your veins if your gut isn’t working properly.
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and advanced cardiac life support. If your heart or breathing stops, CPR can be used to try to resuscitate you. CPR is a combination of chest compressions, artificial respiration and defibrillation. In artificial respiration, air is squeezed through a mask placed over your mouth and nose to move air in and out of your lungs. Defibrillation delivers an electric shock to your body. This can restart your heart if it has stopped beating. The next step is advanced cardiac life support, including mechanical ventilation.
  • Mechanical ventilation. A ventilator or respirator pushes air into your lungs if you cannot breathe on your own. A tube attached to the machine is inserted into your nose, mouth or neck (through a small surgical procedure). However the tube enters your body, it is passed down into the trachea (windpipe). Mechanical ventilation can be used short-term as a bridge to recovery, or long-term.
  • Organ-sustaining treatment. This is a set of drugs, medical procedures and machines that can keep you alive for an indefinite period of time. Mechanical ventilation is one common example. Another is kidney dialysis, a machine that cleans toxins out of your blood when your kidneys cannot do the job. Such treatments cannot cure a terminal condition.

I’m like most people: I didn’t exactly look forward to drawing up a will or a living will. But I saw the burden that not having done so caused the families of my friends and patients. That convinced me to do it.

Dr. Komaroff is a physician and professor at Harvard Medical School.

Food First: Encouraging Residents to Eat More Calories and Avoid Nutritional Supplements

January 16th, 2014

Unintentional weight loss is common among seniors. As many as one in four aging adults may experience unintentional weight loss without any underlying cause. While losing weight is common, it can have some adverse effects on your health and sometimes lead to malnutrition and/or dehydration. That’s why together with your food service partner, Culinary Services Group, LLC, we created the Enriched for Life Program.

In order to help residents maintain a healthy weight, CSG developed a fortified foods program called Enriched for Life. Enriched for Life has changed the way senior living communities like LifeQuest approach nutrition intervention. Your Registered Dietitians and Certified Dietary Managers will work together evaluating residents’ nutritional needs and preferences. When residents aren’t eating and require intervention, our philosophy is “food first,” before prescribing supplements.

Enriched for Life uses natural, rich, nutritionally dense foods to improve resident health. Our Culinary Team has selected comfort foods and simple menu items which are then fortified to taste great while giving residents the calorie and protein boosts they need. Enriched for Life program menu items include:

  • hot cereals
  • soups
  • shakes
  • smoothies
  • entrées
  • desserts

We use all natural ingredients to fortify these foods. Ingredients like whole milk, sugar and butter make traditional foods taste great while encouraging residents to eat more and stay healthy. Enriched for Life uses recipes which have been developed in Culinary Services Group’s own test kitchen and taste-tested by residents. CSG’s goal is to keep everyone eating their best.

Jocelyn Spreitzer, Director of Marketing
Culinary Services Group, LLC

Preventing Norovirus Infection

January 7th, 2014

Preventing the Norovirus Infection is a challenge in nursing facilities, day care centers, schools and other environments where people live, work, or spend their days in close proximity to others.

The best way for everyone to prevent getting the Norovirus Infection is to follow the following guidelines recommended by the CDC.

Practice proper hand hygiene
Wash your hands carefully with soap and water especially after using the toilet, changing diapers and always before eating, preparing or handling food.

Noroviruses can be found in your vomit or stool even before you start feeling sick. The virus can stay in your stool for 2 weeks or more after you feel better. So, it is important to continue washing your hands often during this time.

Alcohol-based hand sanitizers can be used in addition to hand washing. But, they should not be used as a substitute for washing with soap and water.

Wash fruits and vegetables and cook seafood thoroughly
Carefully wash fruits and vegetables before preparing and eating them. Cook oysters and other shellfish thoroughly before eating them.

Be aware that noroviruses are relatively resistant. They can survive temperatures as high as 140°F and quick steaming processes that are often used for cooking shellfish.

Food that might be contaminated with norovirus should be thrown out.

Keep sick infants and children out of areas where food is being handled and prepared.

When you are sick, do not prepare food or care for others who are sick
You should not prepare food for others or provide healthcare while you are sick and for at least 2 to 3 days after you recover. This also applies to sick workers in settings such as schools and daycares where they may expose people to norovirus.

Many local and state health departments require that food handlers and preparers with norovirus illness not work until at least 2 to 3 days after they recover. If you were recently sick, you can be given different duties in the restaurant, such as working at a cash register or hosting.

Clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces
After throwing up or having diarrhea, immediately clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces. Use a chlorine bleach solution with a concentration of 1,000 – 5,000 ppm (5 – 25 tablespoons of household bleach [5.25%] per gallon of water) or other disinfectant registered as effective against norovirus by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Wash laundry thoroughly
Immediately remove and wash clothes or linens that may be contaminated with vomit or stool (feces).

You should handle soiled items carefully without agitating them, wear rubber or disposable gloves while handling soiled items and wash your hands after, and wash the items with detergent at the maximum available cycle length, then machine dry them.

For additional information, you can go to the CDC at

Milford Village Receives Final Approval for First Phase of Building Project

December 23rd, 2013

On Tuesday night, December 17, 2013, Milford Township’s board of supervisors unanimously granted final approval to the first phase of Milford Village’s building project. The plans for a complex including senior housing, offices, stores and restaurants on our campus have been in the works for more than five years.

This spring, a 5,000 square foot kitchen will be added to the back of our skilled nursing facility, which will have the capacity to serve a much larger campus.

Overall, the plan on our 206 acre site calls for 576 congregate care units – apartments with shared dining and other common areas, 140 assisted living units, a memory care unit, 208 apartments, 41 townhouses and 33 cottages.

In the first phase of the project, only 73 assisted living units will be completed.

As part of the overall project, a traffic light and additional turning lanes will be added in front of the main entrance of LifeQuest on Route 663. The plan also calls for the realignment of Mill Hill Road.

The estimated timeline for the entire project is 12 years.

Wrapping Presence

November 7th, 2013

On Monday, December 2, 2013, for the 2nd year in a row, we will welcome Wrapping Presence, an outreach program of Doylestown Presbyterian Church that brings the hubbub of the holidays back into the lives of our residents. Wrapping Presence arrives with a flourish to set up shops brimming with new gifts for all ages. Vintage holiday music plays while “Wrapping Buddy” volunteers pass homemade cookies and help residents select presents for their loved ones to be wrapped in festive paper and bows. There is no cost to the resident shoppers or to the facility. All gifts and services for Wrapping Presence are donated. Many of the gifts will be distributed to the families/friends of the residents during the holiday season, which will begin for us with our Resident Holiday Parties on Tuesday and Wednesday, December 10th and 11th.

Wrapping Presence was founded in 1995 in memory of the parents of Marne Kies Dietterich who spent their last years in a nursing home.

Last year, the Wrapping Presence day was a real treat for our residents, staff and volunteers. It was a wonderful experience to see our residents choosing gifts, selecting the wrapping paper, enjoying holiday music, and a special visit from Santa and the Elves.

Even more amazing, was the surprise and delight of the families and friends of the residents when they received the truly unexpected gifts that were specially selected just for them.

By visiting the website for Wrapping Presence at, you can learn more about this wonderful program.